
Adding fast Meilisearch to an Astro Static Website

Table of Contents

Integration of a search system to an Astro website is a bit troubling.

Astro doesn't provide any search system plugin now, as Gatsby.js does.

You may consider Google Custom Search, but it makes the fast static website slower.

This time, I tried Meilisearch - the newest search engine. I liked their simple system and succeeded in adding it to an Astro website.

The flow would be;

  1. Create a Meilisearch account
  2. Install meilisearch to the Astro project
  3. Build a dataset and send them to Meilisearch Cloud
  4. Create a search form/result component
  5. Import and show the component inside a component/page template
  6. Style the component

Working environment:

  • Node v18.12.1
  • Astro v2.0.11
  • meilisearch v0.3.1
  • dotenv v16.0.3

About Meilisearch

Though I've started using it, I have some following impressions:

  • The newest search engine
  • Self-hosted plan or cloud (freemium)
  • The same parameters as Algolia (Algolia's docs can be helpful)
  • Small problems remain for the Japanese language as of v.0.3.x

On Jan. 11th, 2023, Meilisearch pre-released v1.0.0-RC. (I haven't tried it in this post.)

Structure of the Astro project

In this example, the Astro project structure is as follows;

└─ pages/
     └─ posts/
          └─ ...

Also, the post Markdown YAML frontmatter is as follows;

title: My first post
slug: first-post

dignissimos aperiam dolorem qui eum facilis quibusdam animi sint suscipit qui sint possimus cum quaerat magni maiores excepturi ipsam ut commodi dolor voluptatum modi aut vitae

Create a Meilisearch account

Though it's possible to run a self-hosted Meilisearch, we are using its Cloud version for this time.

The free plan includes 100,000 documents and 10,000 searches/per month. Enough for personal or small business websites!

Start it on their register page.

Register page of Meilisearch

© Meilisearch

Confirm e-mail from Meilisearch.

Create a project on Meilisearch

Press "New Project" on Meilisearch Cloud after logging in, and start to create a new project.

Meilisearch dashboard

© Meilisearch

Choose the closest region from the "Select a region" and "Build $0 / month" plan.

Meilisearch project creation

© Meilisearch

Then, press "Create" - it's ready!

Node is required for creating an index

If you already know Algolia, you might be flustered that Meilisearch doesn't accept editing/uploading data on the cloud.

The dataset (of documents) must be sent by running a javascript file with Node. I'll explain it later.

Install meilisearch and dotenv into the Astro project

To use Meilisearch in an Astro project, install meilisearch.

# for npm
npm install meilisearch

# for yarn
yarn add meilisearch

Besides, install dotenv to use environment variables inside a .js file.

# for npm
npm install dotenv

# for yarn
yarn add dotenv

Next, create a .js file to build and send a dataset (documents) to Meilisearch Cloud.

  • meilisearch.js under the lib directory (file name and directory are up to you)
  • .env under the project root
├─ pages/
    ├─ posts/
        └─ ...
    └─ lib/
         └─ meilisearch.js <-- this and
├─ .env <-- this

Edit .env file

Add environment variables to the .env file.


You can find the host and keys on Meilisearch Cloud by clicking "Build" of the project.

Project settings of Meilisearch

© Meilisearch

Create meilisearch.js

Next, create a javascript file to send index documents to Meilisearch Cloud.

The base code

The base code to send a dataset to Meilisearch Cloud would be as follows;

import { MeiliSearch } from "meilisearch"
const client = new MeiliSearch({
  host: "HOST URL",
  apiKey: "API KEY",

client.index("INDEX NAME").addDocuments("JSON DATA")
// .then((res) => console.log(res))

We need to collect data from all the posts and provide it as "JSON DATA" to Meilisearch Cloud.

Import dotenv

At the top of meilisearch.js, enable dotenv.

import * as dotenv from "dotenv"

// to be continued

Add the base code

Then, add the base code; I named the index "posts" (it's up to you).

// continued

import { MeiliSearch } from "meilisearch"
const client = new MeiliSearch({
  host: process.env.PUBLIC_MEILISEARCH_HOST,
  apiKey: process.env.MEILISEARCH_MASTER_KEY,

// 1. Build a dataset (explained later)

// 2. Send the dataset in JSON format
  .addDocuments("JSON DATA")
  .then(res => console.log(res)) //show the result

Build a dataset for the search

Next, build a dataset of documents.

This example Astro project uses Markdown posts. If you use a CMS, fetch the content instead of retrieving markdown files.

To remove markdown tags, I use remove-markdown. Please install it if needed.

// continued
// 1. Build a dataset
import fs from "fs"
import path from "path"
import matter from "gray-matter"
import removeMd from "remove-markdown"

const filenames = fs.readdirSync(path.join("./src/posts"))
const data = => {
  try {
    const markdownWithMeta = fs.readFileSync("./src/posts/" + filename)
    const { data: frontmatter, content } = matter(markdownWithMeta)
    return {
      id: frontmatter.slug,
      title: frontmatter.title,
      content: removeMd(content).replace(/\n/g, ""),
  } catch (e) {
    // console.log(e.message)

// 2. Send the dataset in JSON format
// ...

The keys on the code above are;

  • Because import.meta.glob() doesn't work, use fs・path・matter (no installation required)
  • id is required. I put the slug as id.
  • By content, I added the full text. You can use slice() to make it shorter or use an excerpt instead.

Send the dataset

Format the dataset data as JSON format and put it in addDocuments().

// continued
// 2. Send the dataset in JSON format
  .addDocuments(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))) //<--this
  .then(res => console.log(res)) //show the result

The whole code of meilisearch.js

import * as dotenv from "dotenv"

import { MeiliSearch } from "meilisearch"
const client = new MeiliSearch({
  host: process.env.MEILISEARCH_HOST,
  apiKey: process.env.MEILISEARCH_MASTER_KEY,

// 1. Build a dataset
import fs from "fs"
import path from "path"
import matter from "gray-matter"
import removeMd from "remove-markdown"

const filenames = fs.readdirSync(path.join("./src/posts"))
const data = => {
  try {
    const markdownWithMeta = fs.readFileSync("./src/posts/" + filename)
    const { data: frontmatter, content } = matter(markdownWithMeta)
    return {
      id: frontmatter.slug,
      title: frontmatter.title,
      content: removeMd(content).replace(/\n/g, ""),
  } catch (e) {
    // console.log(e.message)

// 2. Send the dataset in JSON format
  .then(res => console.log(res)) //show the result

Now, meilisearch.js is done!

Execute meilisearch.js with Node

Once meilisearch.js is ready, execute it with Node.

At the root of the Astro project, run the following code. *If you put the file under another directory, run that file.

node src/lib/meilisearch.js

Once the dataset is sent without error, you'll see the result thrown by console.log(res) added at the end of meilisearch.js.

EnqueuedTask {
  taskUid: 0,
  indexUid: 'posts',
  status: 'enqueued',
  type: 'documentAdditionOrUpdate',
  enqueuedAt: 2023-01-13T04:45:26.891Z

Then, go to Meilisearch Cloud and see the index. Yes, the dataset (of documents) has been indexed.🙂

Indexed data on Meilisearch

© Meilisearch

Create a component for the search box and search result

Finally, let's display a search box and the search result.

Create a component file named Search.astro (the name is up to you) under the components directory.

├─ components/
    └─ Search.astro <-- this
├─ pages/
    ├─ posts/
        └─ ...
    └─ lib/
         └─ meilisearch.js
├─ .env

Referring to the official guidance, I developed the component as follows;

<div class="wrapper">
  <div id="searchbox"></div>
  <div id="hits"></div>

<script is:inline>
  const search = instantsearch({
    indexName: 'posts',
    searchClient: instantMeiliSearch(
      container: '#searchbox',
    instantsearch.widgets.configure({ hitsPerPage: 8 }),
      container: '#hits',
      templates: {
        item: `
            <a href='/{{#helpers.snippet}}{ "attribute": "id" }{{/helpers.snippet}}/'>
              <h2 class="hit-name">
                    {{#helpers.highlight}}{ "attribute": "title" }{{/helpers.highlight}}
              <p>{{#helpers.snippet}}{ "attribute": "content" }{{/helpers.snippet}}...</p>

(Updated Jan 23, 2023) When we use external CDN scripts on Astro, we have to run CDN and our own scripts with is:inline. It loses page speed because they are inserted between HTML tags.

Now, import this component inside other components or page templates.

The display would be like this;

Front-end display of Meilisearch

It would be better to import Search.astro inside a Modal component for a practical case. (Right before the body closing tag would be better.)

Styling the component

There are some options to style the Meilisearch component.

  • Check the class names and style them by yourselves
  • Use satellite.css by Algolia Official (npm ou CDN)
  • Use basic_search.css by Meilisearch Official (CDN)

Because Meilisearch applies the same class names as Algolia, we can use the same styling.

Check the class names and style them by yourselves

For the classes not indicated on HTML in .astro files, apply is:global for the <style></style> tag.

<!-- continued -->

<style is:global>
  .ais-Hits-item {
    margin-bottom: 1em;

satellite.css by Algolia Official

Reference Style your widgets

in case of using package

# for npm
npm install instantsearch.css

# for yarn
yarn add instantsearch.css
// Include only the reset.css
import 'instantsearch.css/themes/reset.css'
// or include the full Satellite theme
import 'instantsearch.css/themes/satellite.css'

<div class="wrapper">
  <div id="searchbox"></div>
  <div id="hits"></div>

// ...

in case of CDN

  href="[email protected]/themes/satellite-min.css"

Styled example

instantsearch.css with Meilisearch

basic_search.css by Meilisearch Official (CDN)

Load the stylesheet from CDN.


Styled example

basic_search.css with Meilisearch


The explanation is long, but these steps are not complicated, I suppose.

Because Meilisearch is the newest search result service, its free plan offers some better conditions than Algolia (though there are not as many high-tech features as Algolia)

Meilisearch can be a good choice if you want a "just a normal" search function.