
How to Create a Popular Posts Ranking with Umami Analytics + Gatsby

Table of Contents

Umami Analytics is a privacy-first, open source analytics. We can host it by ourselves besides its freemium cloud version with limited features.

Last time, I wrote how to run Umami Analytics + Supabase + Vercel for free.

This time I'd like to show you how to get the popular posts from Umami API and how to output this data to Gatsby's GraphQL.

I have tested my codes with a self-hosted Umami. I didn't test with Umami Cloud.


  • Umami v2.2.0


Getting a Token

First you need to get a token to connect to the Umami API.

We can get the token by the official way, but the easiest way is;

Go to your Umami page and check the umami.auth value from F12 -> Application -> Local Storage.

Local storage of Umami page

Link - Authentication | Umami

Checking out the Website ID

Besides the way shown by Umami official, the easiest way is;

Go to your Umami page, view the details of your website, and check the URL.

Umami page url

Link - Websites | Umami

Connecting to the API

Once you have the token and the Website ID, you can use JavaScript fetch to the metrics data.

const today = new Date()
const todayTs = today.getTime() // Curent timestamp
const sevenDaysAgoTs = todayTs - 604800000 // Timestamp of 7 days ago from now

const params = { startAt: sevenDaysAgoTs, endAt: todayTs, type: "url" }
const query = new URLSearchParams(params)
const response = await fetch(
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      Accept: "application/json",
      Authorization: `Bearer [UMAMI_AUTH]`,
const data = await response.json()

Link - Website statistics

What we can get here with the code is the paths and the number of visitors. It means it contains the home page or the contact page.

  {x: "/", y: 46}
  {x: "/post/my-first-post/", y: 17}
  {x: "/post/my-second-post/", y: 14}
  {x: "/about/", y: 12}

If you only want the blog pages, filter the json data with the conditions like "including /post/ value in x" when extending it with forEach or map.

Also, for security reasons, the token and Website ID should be managed in .env files.


What next after getting json data?

To show the popular posts on your website, get the most 5 viewed paths and show the titles and the links regarding to the paths.

With Gatsby.js

I am good at Gatsby, so I create a schema of popular articles in gatsby-node.js; link the paths (obtained from the Umami API) to the article slugs, so that we can retrieve article data from the popular articles schema in GraphQL.

*Example of a Gatsby site managing articles in Markdown

const fetch = require("node-fetch")

// Generating PageViews schema
exports.sourceNodes = async ({
}) => {
  const { createNode } = actions

  const today = new Date()
  const todayTs = today.getTime()
  const sevenDaysAgoTs = todayTs - 604800000

  const params = { startAt: sevenDaysAgoTs, endAt: todayTs, type: "url" }
  const query = new URLSearchParams(params)
  const response = await fetch(
      method: "GET",
      headers: {
        Accept: "application/json",
        Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.UMAMI_AUTH}`,
  const data = await response.json()

  data.forEach(node => {
    node.x.includes("/post/") &&
        slug: node.x.split("/")[2], // slug
        count: node.y, // pageview number
        id: createNodeId(`${node.x}`),
        internal: {
          type: "PageViews",
          contentDigest: createContentDigest(node),

// Linking Markdown data to the PageViews schema
exports.createResolvers = ({ createResolvers }) => {
  const resolvers = {
    PageViews: {
      markdownRemark: {
        type: "MarkdownRemark",
        resolve(source, args, context, info) {
          return context.nodeModel.findOne({
            query: {
              filter: {
                fileAbsolutePath: { glob: `**/**/${source.slug}.md` },
            type: "MarkdownRemark",

By doing this, the PageViews schema is generated and also has a corresponding Markdown data connected by the same slug.

Gatsby.js GraphQL

With GraphQL's sorting or limiting, you can get "the most 5 viewed posts" so easily.

(This flexibility of GraphQL is one of the reasons I love Gatsby.js!)